Thursday 12 September 2013

TWC Week 4

TWC Week 4

Change is the only constant. That was the point that was continuously being subconsciously drilled into my mind in this week's lecture. The first part of the lecture was about the drivers of world change like the always changing circumstances, while the second part was more about what one can do to achieve the change that he desires.

There were some interesting observations from the lecture, especially from the topic of change management and leadership. Through the videos shown, I realised the true meaning of Gandhi's quote "Be the change you want to see in the world." By taking the initiative, one can kick start the change he wants rather than just waiting around. Alister's presentation on flight was also interesting as it further demonstrated the point that any technological advancement can be used to benefit mankind as well as for malicious purposes.

One of the key takeaway points for the lecture was that for any future technology or invention, it always opens a new box of possibilities for both sides. Like the Wright Brothers could not have predicted that their invention would be become an integral part of warfare just over 10years later, nobody can ever foresee what harm could any new advancements in technology bring us other than mere speculation. Like seen in the second half presentations by Shien Tah and Chermain, leaders who make a big impact all started by daring to take the first move, as well as knowing how to adapt their management style to suit their followers.

With regards to many companies, especially in the technology industry, trying to predict the drivers of world change and staying one step ahead has always been a big gamble which can be seen in Apple's successes with its first Iphone and its failure with the Apple TV. I felt that some time could be dedicated to identifying trends and minimizing the risks of predicting such changes.

I give the lesson 8/10.

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